Don’t know what to write for my first post? Well now I‘m in a bit of an awkward boat, I feel under pressure? …. GOD some people are so good with these thing ,well I just hope that I get better in time J
You know when your minds is bombarded with ideas, hence why I wanted to make a blog, now well my mind’s gone blank. And now I’ve also realised I’m blabbing on? Ok, ok so here’s a little about me ,well My name is Libby, I’m from the UK, I studied fashion at The University of Arts London,I love Fashion, I’m so fascinated about Fashion and everything around Fashion, (I’ve mentioned fashion 3 times in a sentence, come on surely that says something) I might start sounding like just another crazy fashion blogger who is out there, but that’s the truuuuuuuuuth! There’s so much to fashion ,the colours, pattern, Trend ,styles, arts, fabrics ..Cor! I could go on!
So many bloggers out there! Yeah, I know right. You’re thinking, “what’s so special about your blog then?” well excuse me. I have a lot to show you, ok? I’m certain I will be your favourite blogger, so please don’t speak too soon J
Ok, now im sounding weird, and you want to close my blog, please don’t. Now ok ok on a serious note. A lot of people have complimented my style, There have been on many occasions where fashion photographers have stopped me to take a photo of me, also employers, and they all regularly mention “Do you have a blog of your own?” Surely this was a sign for me to get a blog. And so that’s it really. And I want to say some of you fashion bloggers out there are fan-taa-astic! Keep up your great work, and I add that you guys also inspired me to get a blog up and running. So anyways enjoy!
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